Thursday, February 4, 2010

The gloves, they are off

So, some Obama nominee finally got their confirmation vote today, after Republicans held her nomination up for nine months... and those Republicans who must've thought her just so hideous they needed to use every tool available to block her ascent to power must've voted against her, right? Well, no, actually, the vote was 96-0. And there have been plenty of other times when a nominee was delayed for a loooooong time only to get at least 70 votes. You know what I say to that? If this is the general principle now, that not only do legislators vote against cloture on anything they would vote against but they actually vote against cloture on things they end up voting for, then from here on out, there are no rules. The majority party is not bound by any code of "fair play" while the minority is being this dickish. Budget reconciliation, early and often? Go for it, please. Recess appointments? I do usually think they're sketchy, but given how out-of-hand things have gotten, have at 'em. See, I think it's true that to a certain extent Democrats in the minority would go along with the "vote against passage = vote against cloture" principle. But what I think you would never see Democrats do it try to filibuster something they would vote for. And if they did try, the Republicans would flay them alive for it in the media, who would actively participate in the flaying. I wonder why the media isn't going after Republicans for this? Maybe we expect them to be assholes?

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