Saturday, April 13, 2013

Gov. Nathan Deal (R-GA) Thinks Segregated Proms Are Acceptable

Some high school in Georgia apparently has a tradition of holding racially segregated proms. It's a public high school, apparently, but "gets around" the whole "this is flagrantly unconstitutional" thing by saying that these aren't proms run by the school, they're just privately organized & funded by the families in the district/county. This is, obviously, unacceptable, and various people have been trying to organize an integrated prom. They have been met with resistance. The story has caught the attention of, you know, non-racists around the country, who've been agitating to get the integrated prom to happen. Some of them have asked Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, a Republican, to support the integrated prom. Today, his spokesman responded:
"This is a leftist front group for the state Democratic Party and we're not going to lend a hand to their silly publicity stunt."
Now, this tries not to explicitly state the Governor's support for the segregated proms, but I think it implies at the very least that he thinks it's okay for a Georgia public high school to have segregated proms. The phrase "silly publicity stunt" suggests that this is something one would only care about or object to if one were a bunch of radical leftists, which suggests that Gov. Nathan Deal, not being a radical leftist, neither cares nor objects. He thinks it's fine and dandy that this county public school organizes racially segregated proms, in 2013. Maybe he himself, were he on the school board, would suggest that they change their policy; we can't really say for sure on way or the other. But he definitely doesn't think it's the kind of thing that simply can't be allowed to happen. If the people of Wilcox County, Georgia want to run segregated proms, well, that's their right, and anyone trying to mess with it is conducting a "silly publicity stunt."

Governor Nathan Deal, Republican of Georgia, just endorsed the right of his state to conduct racially segregated public school functions. He should never, ever hear the end of this. I assume no one will ever care about it ever again.

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