Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yes, Yes, They Are Violent

The American right's greatest hits of violence in the past, shall we say, week? Maybe week-and-a-half?

1. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)'s office sent a package containing white powder, possibly toxic. Shut down his office for at least a day, hampering him in a tough re-election fight.
2. Joe Miller (R-AK)'s private security detail, which may include active-duty soldiers, detained on no apparent authority a reporter for--God forbid!!--trying to ask Miller a question at a public event.
3. A volunteer with the Rand Paul (R-KY) campaign literally stomps on the head of a MoveOn activist outside the debate two nights ago, and then asks for an apology and says it wasn't a big deal.
4. Eric Cantor (R-VA) had the police arrest a man for, apparently, being a Democrat at a public Cantor event. The police treated the man quite, quite roughly and will, I'd say, be in for a nice hefty lawsuit in the near future.

So don't fucking tell me that these people don't resort to violence to promote their hateful, oppressive ideology/theology. They do. Maybe they don't do it as successfully or as viciously as the Taliban, but the Taliban don't have to worry about a government that might at some point decide to punish them.

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