Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Lesson of the Debt Ceiling Debacle

If you elect bad people, bad things happen. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't fundamentally blame Barack Obama for this, though I kind of wish that he would've used some creative executive power to sidestep any of these problems. I don't blame him because the American people, including a whole bunch of staggeringly stupid Democrats who failed to vote, managed to elect a House of Representatives controlled by crazy people last November. That puts a rather low ceiling on the possible outcomes he can achieve. This one doesn't sound very good, because the result of these two years of divided government is not going to be very good. From what I understand part of the rationale for making this deal is that it will weaken the impact of a later manufactured crisis, and not being a member of the Obama Administration I'm not sure I can be certain that isn't rather sound logicking on their part. But fundamentally the lesson that we all ought to draw from this is stop electing crazy people to positions of power!!!!! Seriously, please stop doing that. It's hurting us all, and things won't get better until it stops.

Oh, and anyone who considers themself a liberal or a Democrat and who doesn't like this deal who did not vote in the 2010 midterm elections has quite literally zero right to complain, and ought to refrain from commenting on the whole situation. It's y'all's fault, guys.

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