Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The 113th U.S. Senate

So, two years of getting nothing done. So stipulated. Let's see if we have the slightest chance in the 2012 Senate elections, going line-by-line.
Incumbent Democrats:
Dianne Feinstein of California. This shouldn't be a competitive race unless the cycle really sucks, I'd think.
Tom Carper of Delaware: Will not be competitive. Delaware is just not competitive, given that Castle is gone.
Bill Nelson of Florida: Should be very competitive. We might have to worry about this one if the cycle isn't great.
Daniel Akaka of Hawaii: Don't bother. No chance of competitiveness.
Ben Cardin of Maryland: Not going to be competitive, I would imagine.
Debbie Stabenow of Michigan: Given how sucky Michigan was this year, I'm mildly worried. I wouldn't be, normally.
Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota: I assume this won't be competitive, but I wouldn't be shocked if it becomes so.
Claire McCaskill of Missouri: Dangerous. Very dangerous.
Jon Tester of Montana: Even more dangerous. Probably a favored loss.
Ben Nelson of Nebraska: Also quite possibly in danger, though he might be a Republican by then. Who knows.
Bob Menendez of New Jersey: He'd better not be in danger.
Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico: I don't see this being a problem, honestly. Could be wrong, but I don't see it.
Kent Conrad of North Dakota: He's so well established and liked. He should win, but in a toxic environment, who knows.
Sherrod Brown of Ohio: Danger, given how nasty the Midwest is right now.
Bob Casey of Pennsylvania: Likewise.
Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island: No worries.
Jim Webb of Virginia: Worries. Major worries.
Maria Cantwell of Washington: God I hope not.
Herb Kohl of Wisconsin: No chance of danger here.
Joe Manchin of West Virginia: I doubt he'll be in trouble, though he could theoretically be.
Kirsten Gillibrand of New York: A 30-point affair.
Total: 6 major worries, 4+ minor worries

Incumbent Independents:
Bernie Sanders of Vermont: totally safe, which is useful since he's an ININO, and will continue being a good solid Democrat.
Joe Lieberman of Connecticut: will lose. Badly. Ignominiously. And it will be fun to watch. Should be a good pick-up opportunity.
Total: Quite likely, +1.

Incumbent Republicans:
Jon Kyl of Arizona. I mean, in a good cycle, you could always hope. I think it's stretching it, though.
Richard Lugar of Indiana. I can't see beating him. He's an icon.
Olympia Snowe of Maine. Most interesting Senate race of the cycle. I don't think she can win a GOP primary. Does she bolt? Does she become an independent, or a Democrat? Does she vote with the Democrats some of the time if she's an independent? Or does she stay and get teabagged? Fascinating. A pick-up opportunity, either by picking up Snowe herself or by having her replaced with a Tea Partier who might then lose.
Scott Brown of Massachusetts. Can't wait to pick this seat up. He's just asking for it.
Roger Wicker of Mississippi. Keep dreaming.
John Ensign of Nevada. A great pick-up opportunity; Ensign will lose a primary, and Nevada's a very competitive state.
Bob Corker of Tennessee: Given how the inland South's been moving, I don't see it.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas: Texas is getting more and more competitive. But we'd need a majorly strong candidate, which might be asking a bit much.
Orrin Hatch of Utah: Uh, no.
John Barasso of Wyoming: Likewise, no.
Total: 3 first-tier pick-up opportunities, maybe a few others could develop.

Aggregate: Turn Lieberman into a Democrat. 6 top-tier opportunities for Republicans, 3 for Democrats. An interesting cycle. Could see anywhere from a Republican takeover of the Senate to about an even split, or even, with Obama on the ballot, a conceivable Democratic gain.

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