Sunday, September 30, 2012

To Whom It May Concern, Regarding Yesterday's Episode of Doctor Who

As in, don't read this if you have not watched the episode of Doctor Who originally aired on September 29th, 2012, and preferably all or most of the episodes prior to it in the revived series.

No, the Statue of Liberty is not a Weeping Angel. The Statue of Liberty, even in the original version of the universe before the Ponds' paradox, was built by French human beings and given to the United States as a token of friendship, blah blah blah. Note River's line about how it appears that the Angels have "taken over" every statue in New York. This implies that the creatures, whatever the hell they are, have the ability to somehow possess a pre-existing statue, stealing its form for themselves. So, one of them stole the form of the Statue of Liberty, to become the Angel of Liberty. (A phrase which does not sound nearly as sinister as the thing it's describing, although maybe, on the other hand, it does, given the way such a phrase would likely be used in any ol' political context.) Then, when the paradox destroys all the Angels, the Statue reverts to just being an ordinary ol' statue.

Now, this admittedly does not explain how the Angel of Liberty could get around so easily; you'd think it would be in pretty constant observation by someone. But, I dunno, 1938 was not as heavily-surveiled a time, and it was dark out, etc. But we don't have to work at explaining why the Statue is an Angel in the first place: that's just a thing they do. A thing, by the way, that in a sense justifies the closing montage of Blink, which has always previously felt a wee bit disconnected to me.

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