Friday, January 21, 2011

What the Right Doesn't Get About Global Warming

Liberals will often scold conservatives when stories like "2010 was the warmest year on record" come across the wire. My theory is that this makes a lot of conservatives believe that not only do liberals believe that they are right about global warming (if they're even willing to admit that, and not claim it's an intentional fraud), but that they want to be right about global warming. Global warming is something the liberals want to use to gain political leverage/power and to, I don't know, tax real Americans and give giant handouts to Big Wind and Big Solar. In truth, of course, liberals really, really, really wish they were wrong about global warming. If somebody comes up with credible evidence that the world's climate is not changing rapidly now and that humans are to blame for it, we'd be thrilled! We'd still probably advocate getting off of coal and oil, because those energy sources have other problems like mercury and finite-ness, but if global warming turns out to be a red herring it would save the world from soooooo much human suffering. We'd all love to believe it. It's just this thing about living in the reality-based community, which means that, actually, we just have to accept that all of the evidence suggests that this will be at least as bad as we fear. We just think we should do something about it, sooner rather than later if possible.

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