Saturday, October 15, 2011

On Accuracy

I just went to the The Ides of March, George Clooney's new political thriller/drama/whatever movie. Now, of course, I'm not going to say anything about its plot, or anything, but the movie's been getting some discussion in political blog-y circles so I thought I'd address a certain criticism of it, namely that it does not accurately represent the aspects of the political process that make up its setting. As best I can tell, being not a political insider myself but knowing a fair amount about how politics actually works, second- or third-hand, this is basically true. But I found that I didn't mind that at all watching the movie. Basically it's willing suspension of disbelief: because I was interested in the story and the characters, I didn't care that the setting was not 100% realistic. Maybe it wasn't even 80% realistic, or 60% realistic. But that's okay, because the point is how the setting affects the plot and the characters. That's just a personal opinion, but I don't feel like the lack of accuracy to the 'real world' detracted from the actual stuff of the movie, even remotely.

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